I (Elinoa Ziona Raanan) was born on April 5th 1998 in Jerusalem. I go to Ulpenat Tzviah in Herzilia. This is my blog. I really enjoyed learning all about my family history and where i came from. This project gave me an opportunity to learn and develope a higher level of respect for all my family. I got to hear the most amazing stories from the most amazing people that im proud to be related to. The research about my family and hearing all they have accomplished just gives me more determantion to do things i can be proud of, things i'll be able to tell my children and grandchildren and please g-d great grandchildren. This project has brought to light the importance of family and knowing where you came from. I hope to go into media/journalism/or something art related when i grow up. I hope to serve my county as best as i can, either by going into the army of doing sherut leumi. Most of all i hope to do something i can be proud of. I hope that whoever is reading this blog has enjoyed learning about my family as much as i did.
My father James Robert Raanan was born on december 7th 1973 in Leeds in England. My Dad graduated from High School and went to Study Law in Manchester University. He now works at IDT as an advocate. He met my Mum (Sarah Raanan [Levy]) in 1994, got married in 1996 and maid alyia in 1997. In 2006 our whole family moved to NJ, America for 3 years. When we moved back we setteled down in Raanana. My Dad always does everything he can to support us, he commutes to America atleast once a month and we all love and appriecate evrything he does for us. שיזכה לחיים ארוכים
My Mother Sarah Rachel Raanan (levy) was born on December 17th 1974 in London England. When she graduated from High School she went to study Psychology in Manchester University. When we were living in America she decided she wanted to take on Photography and became a photographer in 2007. My Mum continues her work here (in Raanana) and somehow still has time to take care of me my brother and my sister. She is one of the biggest female role models in my life and we all love her very much. שתזכה לחיים ארוכים
My Brother Yoav Shlomo Raanan was born on June 30th 2000 in Jerusalem. Yoav goes to Noam School in Kfar Batya and Will be going to Yeshivat Bnei Akiva next year. Yoav says he would like to go into Scinece when he grows up.
My sister Millie (Amelia [she was named after our Great Grandmother]) Leah Raanan was born on March 26th 2005 in Tel Aviv. She is in keeta aleph at Noam School in Kfar Batya. Millie wants to be an Astronaut when she grows up.
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My Mum and Dad at their wedding |
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Millie(left) Yoav(middle) and me (right) |
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my family. My mum(left) Me and My Brother Yoav (in the middle), Millie (on my lap) and my Dad(right) |